Integrating Social networking into business

mohd shatmi bin che omar

Social networking is a rapidly growing, attention-seeking trend that screams. As narcissistic as it may seem, but people warm up to the idea very quickly. As humans, no matter what kind of human u are, highly likely to be interested with what other people do in their lives. It is because everyone wants references. No matter how we may like to disdain the idea, the very bulk of us are always followers rather than leaders.
The question now is how would interpreneur and business people alike taku advantage and tap into markets with these tools at hand. A lot of people give the vague advice of using social networking as a medium to get their word out. Social networking is more than just a simple and quick way to connect and reconnect people. It is also a way people can generate hype, create communication, tie other modes of advertising and marketing together.
Social networking services should be viewed as an addition to your marketing and advertising effort for both online and offline presences. When utilised properly, social networking services can gain your efforts some attention, but will not be strong enough to directly replace the traditional online presence such as physical run around to promote business. If business online presence consists of just blinking advertising banners and probably just a website, you are surely missing out a whole chunk of what the internet can really offer for your business. With these services you can customise powerly networking opportunities that allow you to efficiently pin point your audience.
However, don’t get to be too eager and dive into it. We must first understand wht each social networking does first, and what it does best. Service such as LinkedIn, which acts as online business card, help you to connect with the people you want to meet. Facebook and twitter are great to help you notify a whole group of people concerning anything that you want promoted. These could be a product launch, an event, great deals or even just freebies.
Each social networking site is different. Choose the sites that we will use in accordance to the nature of business objective, as well as what we are comfortable with. The viral nature of social networking services is the ultimate strength that it possesses. The right information can spread like wildfire if we plan it out correctly. Search engine optimization is also one of the most valuable things that social networking services can offer. The more website that we can leave mark such as our name, contact details and name of the company that can link back to our website. The higher likelihood of business appearing in search engine will increase. This then translates to more people being able to find our self and our business.