Do PR people "Spin" ? What do you think?

by : Suzana Sukaimi

Spin has become synonymous with lying. “Spin doctor” was the moniker given to PR people, who some said twisted truth , even outright lied .To keep damaging facts under wraps.

Even to a lesser degree, we’ve been accused of “spinning” non-stories to try and get placements for our clients.We used to cringe when we heard the word “spin.” I still do a little.No, I don’t lie to get news stories for my targeted people. I would be most PR people don’t.

Reporters know a good story when they hear one and they act.Importantly so, as gatekeepers to make sure real news gets shared.Let’s be honest, though. We do “spin” to some degree, but it depends on your definition of the word. It’s not about lying. It’s about polishing.

Here’s an analogy. PR person must be able to answer anything, "no comment" is not appropiate for them!!

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